Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement

Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement: Understanding the Agreement and its Impact

The Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement is a significant agreement that has a long-standing impact on the Sechelt Indian Band people. The agreement, signed in 1986, was a result of a decade-long negotiation between the Sechelt Indian Band and the federal government of Canada. The agreement resulted in the transfer of 6,450 hectares of land to the Sechelt Indian Band, making them the first First Nation in Canada to hold fee simple title to their lands.

Understanding the Agreement:

The Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement was a unique agreement that allowed the Sechelt Indian Band to change their status from Indian Act reserves to a self-governing First Nation. The agreement was the first of its kind in Canada and set a precedent for other First Nations to follow. The agreement was made possible by the efforts of the Sechelt Indian Band leadership, who advocated for their rights to self-determination and self-governance. The agreement came with several conditions, including the requirement for the Sechelt Indian Band to create a constitution, establish a government, and manage their lands and resources.

Impact of the Agreement:

The Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement has had a profound impact on the Sechelt Indian Band people. The agreement has allowed the Sechelt Indian Band to take control of their lands and resources, giving them the opportunity to develop their economy on their terms. The agreement also allowed the Sechelt Indian Band to establish their form of government and their political institutions, allowing them to govern themselves and make decisions that affect their community.

The Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement has also had an impact on other First Nations across Canada. The agreement has served as a model for other First Nations who are seeking self-determination and self-governance. The Sechelt Indian Band`s success in negotiating the agreement has proven that it is possible for First Nations to take control of their lands and resources and create their form of government.


The Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement is a significant agreement that has paved the way for other First Nations to seek self-determination and self-governance. The agreement has allowed the Sechelt Indian Band to take control of their lands and resources, giving them the opportunity to develop their economy and establish their form of government. The Sechelt Indian Band`s success in negotiating the agreement serves as a model for other First Nations seeking to take control of their lands and resources and create their political institutions. The Sechelt Land Transfer Agreement remains a significant milestone in the history of Canada`s First Nations, and its impact will continue to be felt for generations to come.